Fitbod Workout App Review: Is It Worth It in 2023?

With so many workout apps available in the market, it can be challenging to find one that fits your needs.

You don't want a bad app to be the excuse for you to give up, get injuried or lose motivation because of bad results.

Is Fitbod worth it? After testing the app, we have found that the AI creating the workouts is flawed.

Read on to learn more.

This article in a nutshell  

  • Fitbod is a workout app that uses an AI system to generate workout plans based on past training data.
  • While it is popular and has many positive reviews, the app's AI-based system has limitations that only proffessional can spot. EX; poor progressive overload, weight sugestion, and variation.
  • Our analysis of Fitbod's training program

Fitbod, a workout app that uses AI to create personalized workout plans, has garnered a lot of good reviews despite its limitations. While its AI system and user-friendly interface have been praised, its core algorithm, focusing on fatigue management, has been criticized for lacking sophistication, offering limited variation, and failing to consider crucial factors such as intensity, frequency, and volume. Despite its initial appeal to beginners, Fitbod struggles with retaining users beyond the first seven workouts due to a lack of comprehensive workout plans, inaccurate weight suggestions, and poor customer service. The app's pricing for what it provides has also drawn criticism, with the free version being essentially a trial and the paid version not providing sufficient value for experienced lifters. A more advanced alternative is suggested, which uses scientifically-based principles and AI technology to offer a comprehensive, personalized, and efficient workout experience, especially for advanced lifters or those aiming for a long term program.

Fitbod's key feature

Fitbod's artificial intelligence is its main selling point, and the app prides itself on its ability to create personalized workout plans for its users. However, after using the app, we found that the AI feature is not as advanced as it claims to be. It seems that the only thing it does is create a workout based on the last time you trained a specific muscle group. This can be helpful for beginners who need a basic workout plan to follow, but it is not suitable for experienced bodybuilders who require a more advanced and personalized plan. In this regard, we found that Fitbod AI falls short when it comes to providing a comprehensive workout plan that caters to individual needs.

Fitbod scores

Programs Efficacy: 3.2/5 – Poor AI Design

While Fitbod offers a variety of workout programs, their efficacy is a mixed bag. The algorithm, which is marketed as intelligent and adaptive, seems to miss the mark in creating truly personalized programs. This results in suggested workouts that often feel randomized rather than strategically tailored to the user's fitness level, goals, or previous performance. The AI doesn't seem to consider critical factors and solely relies on the balance between working out and recovery periods. With a score of 3.2/5, Fitbod's AI design could certainly benefit from some improvements to make the workouts more efficient and personalized.

User Interface: 4.8/5 – Top User Interface on the Market

Fitbod's user interface is undoubtedly one of the best in the market. The design is sleek, intuitive, and user-friendly. The app flows smoothly from one feature to another, making it easy for users to navigate through various workout routines, nutritional suggestions, and personal tracking data. With little clutter and a visually appealing design, the Fitbod app makes it a joy for the user to interact with it, earning it a 4.8/5 in this category.

Value: 2/5 – Poorly Calibrated AI Making the Programs Beneficial Only in the Initial Stages

Fitbod's main selling point is its adaptive workout program, powered by artificial intelligence. However, as mentioned earlier, this feature doesn't quite deliver as promised. While it can be useful for beginners in the first few weeks of their fitness journey, the utility quickly wanes. The AI's shortcomings become evident, with workouts failing to evolve adequately with the user's progress, thereby compromising long-term value. With a hefty price tag attached, it's hard to justify its value for more advanced users or those looking for long-term workout guidance, leading to a low score of 2/5.

User Experience: 3/5 – Attractive but Sub-Par Workouts

Fitbod scores a mediocre 3/5 in the user experience department. On the one hand, the aesthetic appeal of the app, the easy navigation, and the automation of the workout offer a pleasant experience. However, this is undercut by the disappointing quality of the workout routines. The ineffective AI, as discussed above, results in generic and repetitive workouts that fail to meet user expectations. Even though the experience is still better than not working out at all, Fitbod does not quite manage to deliver on its promise of a fully personalized, AI-driven workout plan.

How we rate and review products

Our method of reviewing workout apps, like Fitbod, revolves around a simple yet comprehensive approach. We leverage our knowledge and expertise in exercise science, as well as our practical experience with various training methodologies.

First off, we put the app through its paces by using it for several workouts. This hands-on approach allows us to experience firsthand the app's functionality, the design of its training programs, and the overall user-friendliness.

Next, we step into the shoes of beginners or people returning to the gym. We assess whether the app can provide the necessary guidance and support to help them regain their footing in the world of weightlifting.

Additionally, we scrutinize the value proposition of the app. We believe that a valuable workout app should provide more than just a digital platform for logging workouts. It should offer well-structured, science-backed training programs, personalized guidance, and continuous support. Essentially, it should go beyond simply digitizing free workout plans found online.

Our review team is composed of a seasoned trainer with two decades of experience and a PhD in public health, along with a a writer who punched in his fair share of hours into the gym. Our combined expertise enables us to offer a comprehensive and insightful analysis of each app.

Finally, it's important to acknowledge that we are indeed the creators of a competing app, Dr. Muscle. We hold a firm belief in our app's superior approach to fitness. Nonetheless, our commitment to providing fair, balanced, and honest reviews remains unwavering. We aim to equip our readers with the information they need to make the best fitness decisions. In doing so, we ensure all apps are evaluated against the same set of rigorous standards, providing our readers with insightful and honest reviews.

Fitbod's first impressions

When it comes to the overall look and feel of the Fitbod app, the first impression is positive. The app has a clean and simple design, which makes it easy to navigate. The color scheme is pleasing to the eye, and the overall layout is intuitive. Everything feels easy and it doesn't take long to figure out how to get started. Overall, Fitbod's user interface is one of its strong points. The app will also ask you about your goals, where and how often you train and will create it's workouts based on that. There are many small features that makes the app comfortable to use. They seem to have a lot of effort put in the development of the user interface and user experience to convert as many new user as possible to paid membership. Anyone with a bit of experirence in marketing can see the efforts going that way, also, the contact with customer service after initial payment can be challenging.

Fitbod training program analysis

After careful analysis of Fitbod's training program, we found that the app's primary focus is fatigue management. While this approach may be suitable for beginners or intermediate lifters, it falls short of the requirements for experienced bodybuilders or anynoe planning to workout for more than 3 months . Fitbod's algorithm may provide a decent starting point for beginners but it lacks the sophistication required to create a well-rounded program that incorporates proper progressive overload, variation, weight adjustment and exercise selection.

Fitbod's training program offers limited variation and exercise selection, which can lead to stagnation and plateauing. The app's algorithm does not seem take into account important factors such as exercise intensity, frequency, and volume. As a result, it fails to provide users with the appropriate progression required for optimal muscle growth and strength gains. Additionally, the weight recommendations provided by the app are often inaccurate and do not follow any established principles of progressive overload.

While Fitbod's fatigue management feature may be helpful for beginners or intermediate lifters, we do not recommend it for experienced bodybuilders. The app's lack of sophistication can hinder progress and lead to stagnation. Therefore, we suggest exploring other options such as Dr. Muscle, which offers personalized programs based on your recent performances to create an optimal workout every sessions

The main problem with Fitbod

The main problem with Fitbod is that it's training program, which focuses primarily on fatigue management, can lead to negative consequences for users who follow it over a long period. Following a bad workout program can have various consequences, such as:

  1. Lack of progress: A poorly designed workout program may not provide the necessary stimulus for your body to make progress, which can lead to plateaus and frustration.
  2. Injury risk: If the workout program includes exercises that are too advanced or intense for your current fitness level, you may be at risk of injury. Additionally, a program that doesn't focus on proper form and technique can also increase the likelihood of injury.
  3. Overtraining: A bad workout program may have you training too frequently or for too long, which can lead to overtraining, fatigue, and burnout.
  4. Decreased motivation: If the workout program is too boring, too difficult, or doesn't align with your goals, you may find yourself losing motivation to stick with it.
  5. Wasted time: If the workout program isn't effective, you may be wasting your time and effort on something that isn't helping you achieve your fitness goals.

Unfortunately, on averege, most users quit Fitbod after only eight workouts, according to information on their website.

Fitbod may be easy to use and have an attractive interface but it's training program falls short of providing the necessary elements for a well-rounded workout plan that will ensure long-term progress. Therefore, to get constant progress, it is important to choose a workout app that provides a tailored, comprehensive, and informed approach to fitness.

How much does Fitbod cost?

The cost of Fitbod ranges from $12.99 per month to $79.99 per year, depending on the chosen subscription. You can also pay $359 for a lifetime membership during their special promotions.


Fitbod, as of 2023, employs a pricing strategy that raises some questions. The app has a monthly subscription priced at $12.99 and a yearly plan at $79.99, which equates to approximately $6.67 per month. Although this yearly pricing may seem like a deal at first glance, it requires users to commit to a full year up front, which might not be feasible for everyone. Moreover, they offer a lifetime membership at a staggering $359.99, which could be a risky investment given the volatility and rapid evolution of the fitness app market. While discount codes are available to bring down these prices, the necessity for such discounts could be seen as a testament to the app's initial high cos

Free vs. paid

Fitbod provides a limited trial for potential users, offering only three free workouts without requiring a credit card. Although this gives users a glimpse of the platform, it can be seen as quite restrictive considering other fitness apps offer more extensive free trials. This means users have a limited opportunity to evaluate the app's interface and workouts before they're prompted to upgrade to a paid subscription

Fitbod value analysis

When considering the value of Fitbod, it is important to assess the app's features and functionality compared to its cost. The free version of Fitbod is nothing more than a limited time trial so the value is there but for a limited time only

On the other hand, the paid version of Fitbod may be a suitable option for beginners who are looking for guidance and support in following a basic workout plan. However, for experienced lifters or those who have specific fitness goals, the app may not provide enough value for its cost. With its poor weight / rep suggestion and poor progressive overload implementation, users may outgrow the app quickly and need to switch to a more comprehensive and personalized workout program.

Red flags

Red flag #1: Poor Progressive Overload Implementation

Another red flag is the app's poor implementation of progressive overload. Without proper progressive overload, users may not be able to make consistent gains and may hit plateaus in their training progress.

Red flag #2: Inaccurate Weight Suggestions

Fitbod's weight suggestions may not always align with a user's actual strength or fitness level, which can lead to ineffective workouts or even injury. Users may need to manually adjust weight suggestions to ensure they are appropriate for their individual needs and abilities.

Redflag #3:  Limited Support

Fitbod may not offer extensive support for users who have questions or need assistance with the app. Users may need to rely on online forums or other resources for troubleshooting, which can be time-consuming and frustrating.

Despite Being Average, Why Does Fitbod Receive Numerous Good Reviews?

Despite the limitations of Fitbod, the app still manages to receive positive reviews from users. One reason for this is that many beginners may see good results from using the app initially, as any form of exercise can lead to improvements in fitness and physique for those who are new to working out. Additionally, Fitbod invests heavily in advertising, which can lead to a large number of users and therefore more reviews. However, it's important to note that reviews written immediately after a workout may be influenced by the release of endorphins, which can lead to a more positive perception of the app. Furthermore, many of these reviews may be written by users who have limited knowledge of exercise science and may not be able to accurately evaluate the effectiveness of the app's programs.

Reviews from the app store

Fitbod has many positive reviews on the app store, with users praising its clean interface and easy-to-use features. However, there are also several negative reviews that highlight the app's shortcomings, particularly in terms of its support. Some users have reported experiencing repetitive or inadequate workouts, while others have complained about the app's inability to track progress accurately. These negative reviews are particularly concerning, as they suggest that Fitbod is not be as effective as it claims to be.

Real user reviews

As part of our research, we also looked at real user reviews on Reddit and other social media platforms. While there were some positive comments about Fitbod, we also came across a number of negative reviews from users who were dissatisfied with the app. Many criticized the weight suggestions and the overall structure of the program. While it's worth noting that everyone's experience may vary, we wanted to include these real user reviews to provide a more well-rounded perspective on the app.

Why Fitbod may not be for you

At first view, while Fitbod may seem like a convenient workout solution, it may not provide the best results for users of any experience level. The app's generic workout recommendations and lack of personalized programming may lead to ineffective workouts, resulting in users not seeing the progress they desire. Additionally, the risk of injury or overtraining can slow down progress and hinder results, ultimately resulting in wasted time and effort. For optimal results, it's important to have a tailored workout plan that takes into account an individual's fitness level, goals, and any limitations or injuries.

A better alternative to Fitbod

If you're looking for a workout app that provides more personalized programming and better results, we recommend checking out our app, Dr. Muscle. Our team of experienced trainers and researchers have designed Dr. Muscle to be the ultimate workout tool for lifters of any level. With tailored workout plans that are updated after every workout to ensure continued progress, Dr. Muscle is the perfect solution for anyone looking to optimize their workouts and achieve their fitness goals. Plus, our app's comprehensive exercise library and instructional videos and one on one support with a 20 year experienced trainer ensure that users can perform each exercise safely and effectively, minimizing the risk of injury or ineffective workouts.

Why Dr. Muscle is the best workout app

Now, let's dive into why we genuinely believe Dr. Muscle stands out as the top workout app.

First off, Dr. Muscle is not just an app; it's like having a personal trainer with a PhD in public health right in your pocket. Developed by a seasoned trainer with two decades of experience in the field, the app is designed to take the guesswork out of your fitness journey.

Dr. Muscle does not merely provide a place to log your workouts; it creates custom workouts tailored to your needs, taking into consideration your current fitness level, available equipment, personal goals, and even your recovery rate. Essentially, it replaces the need for a live trainer and saves you the time and effort spent on planning your workouts.

The intricate calculations that Dr. Muscle performs in creating its workout plans would take even an experienced human coach about an hour to complete. Yet, the app does it in mere seconds, ensuring you get the most optimal workout every time you step into the gym.

Dr. Muscle incorporates a wide range of principles from exercise science, such as:

  1. Progressive overload
  2. Specificity
  3. Recovery
  4. Consistency
  5. Variation
  6. Individualization
  7. Specific time under tension
  8. Frequency
  9. Intensity
  10. Volume
  11. Specific exercise selection
  12. Periodization

By following these principles, Dr. Muscle ensures that your workouts are effective, safe, and continually challenging. You don't have to worry about how many reps to do, how long to pause, which exercises to choose, or how often to train. Dr. Muscle guides you through all these factors, ensuring you stay on track and progress towards your goals.

In a nutshell, Dr. Muscle is designed to give you the most out of your workouts. It's not just a workout app; it's a comprehensive fitness solution. It provides expert guidance, personalized workout plans, and the latest science-backed training principles all in one place, making it an undeniable choice for anyone serious about fitness.


Is Fitbod the best workout app?

Fitbod may work well for some people, particularly those who are new to strength training and looking for a simple workout program to follow. However, for more experienced lifters or those with specific training goals, there may be better options available.

Is there a better app than Fitbod?

There are several workout apps available on the market that offer more advanced features and customization options compared to Fitbod. One example is Dr. Muscle, which uses an AI-driven approach based on scientific principles to create personalized workout plans for each user.

How much does fitbod cost?

Fitbod offers a free version of its app, which includes 3 full access workout and the app lock itself after the 3 workouts. The paid version costs $12.99 per month or $79.99 per year

Who is Fitbod best for?

Fitbod may be a good option for beginners or those looking for a simple and easy-to-use workout app. However, it may not be suitable for more experienced lifters or those with specific training goals who require more advanced features and customization options.